Thursday, November 17, 2011

The 3 F's to Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving right around the corner I've been noticing that a lot of people have been writing down what they are thankful for.  Don't worry I am not going to make this blog into one of those list.  Instead I'm just going to talk about how grateful I am for being able to get together with family and watching football and eating one of the best meals you will ever sink your teeth in.  That's tradition.  The 3 F's of Thanksgiving; family, food, and football.  That's what I am thankful for, plain and simple. You see even though I give them a hard way to go, Kelli and her sister Stacy know how to fix a Thanksgiving dinner.  Kelli makes her special rolls and dressing while Stacy makes the best sweet potatoes in the world.  They make a couple mason jars of green beans that we've been saving all year, we get a ham from heavenly ham and then get to watch Travis eat this ham after soaking it in a cup full of gravy.  I know every family has their own little quirky traditions but these are the ones that stick out to me.  Well it looks like I did it myself.  I said I wouldn't make this blog a thankful list and I apparently did just that.  Kelli and Stacy do a great job preparing everything but it takes G Bo's little touches to make sure everything is just right and give us the green light to dig in.  You might be wondering what I'm doing during all this.  Well usually me and Nick get sent out to the store to pick up something and when we're not doing that we are watching football.  I know this sounds like a hard day but somebody has to do it.  Sure glad it's me.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Behind every good Man is.........

Behind  every good man is a greater woman.  I believe that's how the old saying goes  or somethig similar.
As some of you may know I have several spots on my lungs that if these new meds they have me on don't work than I will only have a few months to live and surgery is not an option.  However I believe in the great physician up in heaven to take care of me because I know he still makes house calls! 

Now let's get back to business, when I got diagnosed with leukemia in August of 09' everything in our life went a little stir crazy.  It happened so fast what were we going to do.  What about Morgan?  Every thought possible ran through our heads.  However one person though thrown off gaurd stayed focused and did what we needed to do. (notice I said what we need to do)  From that day on she has been a rock.  Oh yeah she has her times when she gets down but they don't last long because she always comes back swinging.  Swinging harder than before.

You see I'm the one who is sick,but she goes through it with me every step of the way.  What more could I ask for.  She has a job, she cooks (just a little), she cleans, she takes care of me.  Checking all lab levels, ct scans, and x-rays not to mention listen to me moan and grown and she always makes sure to chase the Dr.'s down when we have questions.  When we get home out of the hospital  her "to do"  multiplies.  Now she has to take care of me and Morgan.  Let's see there's get Morgan up and ready, fix breakfast,come home and either cleans or takes a short nap before night shift,and this is all done while I'm asking for this and that.

She is beautiful and funny, although at times she's a taskmaster, which is good for me.  I love to watch her laugh and sing especially with Morgan.  She loves to scrapbook when shes has time, which we haven't had much time for lately.  I know that most of you all know who this person is but you don't always get to know what they do in a  day.  The woman who stands along side of me is my best  friend and wife Kelli Robinette.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

There's no place like Home

Well as most of you would agree there is no place like home.  I have been gone  from home for about 7 months over the past two years.  I've not wanted to be gone that long, I didn't ask or wish to be gone that  long, so why have I been gone that long?  The only one who can answer me that is God.  So whenever I get to heaven one of the first things I will do is ask, why did you keep me away from home for so long?  I wish I was like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and I could just click my red sparkly shoes together 3 times and say,"There's no place like home". (except I would wear red zigs)  However we don't live in a world so simple.

Why do I have to be away from Morgan for so long? Why does Kelli have to be gone  for so long? Kelli has been with me every step of the way.  That's not fair to her or Morgan, however they have been troopers through it all.  My daughter misses her parents and doesn't understand why her friends always have their parents around but she doesn't.  It's not fair to my mother who has dropped her life to come to Beckley and pretty much raise my kid.  That's not fair.  None of this is fair and why is it me feeling all the responsibility? I know what you are going to say, "It's not your fault Jeff, you didn't ask to be sick", and you're right I never did ask to be sick.  So why is this happening to me and my family?

You see, I know God has this all worked out.  He knows how this story is going to end.  He knows the roads I'm going to take, even before I take them.  He doesn't even need a Garmin or Tom Tom to know where where I'm going.  I do wish he would clue me in a little bit though, because at times I freak out and I feel like I've taken a wrong turn somewhere.  I've felt like that a lot here lately but then the Lord has me pull into a rest stop.  That gives me time to get back on the right road.  This weekend my church family decided to have a day of prayer and fasting for me.  I was totally blown away but it was definitely the thing I needed to refuel.  Somewhere back home, I have all these people who are lifting me to God.  Most of these people I know but there are some who I have never heard of.  Why are these people praying for me?  They don't know me.  They do it because they're trying to keep me on the right road and because as Christians, doesn't  God teach us to help one another and to lean on one another.  You see, we are all one big family who loves and cares about one another and just like any other family,  they come to help when  another family member is hurting or just needs a hand.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, it really hurts to be gone away  from home for so long, but I have learned that God knew where you where going even before you did and when things seem at their lowest, there is always family (church and relative) that will take care of you and lift you up to God.  So next time you are away from home for a long time, lean on your church family and give hurts over to God.  He won't let you get lost and He will always point you in the right directon because, There's no place like Home.                     

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Spirit of Fear

Spirit of fear?  Why do I get anxious over things?  Why do I work myself up so bad?  Do I not have any trust?  These are questions I've been dealing with over the past few days.  You see, Kelli and I came to Morgantown thinking that I would only be up here for a few days, get some antibiotics and  then come home.  Tomorrow will make 3 weeks that we have been up here and now we find out that they want to do surgery on me that will take two spots off of my right lung. What?  Wait a second.  I thought I just needed some medicine and I would feel better.  Apparently not. 

I'm not going to lie to you, the thought of me having surgery, scares me somewhat.  I was not expecting this, nor was I expecting to be gone so long.  You may be thinking, come on Jeff, it's just surgery.  If only it were that simple.  To hear the doctor say we will deflate your left lung and go in and remove those spots off your right lung, put a chest tube in and then you may be on a ventilator for a couple of days, is not what I wanted to hear.  You see years ago before I had Kelli and Morgan in my life I would not be so hesitant about having this surgery.  I understand it might make me feel better, but now the stakes are much higher.  Just thinking about this surgery get's me all worked up and anxious.  I know that God will be looking out for me but for some reason, and I can't explain it, this talk of surgery has really taken a hold of me.  It seems like I am the only one who feels this way too.  Everybody else I've talked to about this acts like there is nothing to worry about and that there are no questions to ask, have the surgery and get it over with.  I feel like saying, not so quickly my friends, you're not the one being cut open.  I know there are people out there who have had surgeries more serious than this, so why is this spirit of fear so overwhelming.  I even know what I have to do to overcome this feeling, but that doesn't make it any easier.

So why do we get hit with this spirit of fear so hard?  I don't believe it is lack of faith or trust, however I do know it is an attack from the enemy trying to control us.  I can't let that happen, so even though I know what I have to do, I guess I'm just asking that everyone continues to pray for me, especially over the next few days and weeks because I really need them not only for my physical well being but my spiritual well being also.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ever Been Mad at God?

Alright friends, as you can see, I have already posed the question; Ever been mad at God?  Well, I have and I know some of you are thinking, oh boy he's playing with fire.  Look at it like this, their are no perfect relationships. ( If you think their are than I've got some ocean front property for sale in Arizona: George Strait reference for my wife.)  Anyway what is the one thing God wants from us most.  That's right, a relationship with him.  It's not going to be smooth and their will be some rough patches.  I know he will be with me in the valley.  But honestly,  how long is this valley?   This is the thing, I (with God's Help) beat cancer 2 years ago.  I am so grateful to still be alive, but you see it's not the cancer that usually comes back to kill you, it's the Graph vs. Host disease.  I've got GVHD in my lungs and now my liver.  I know some of you are thinking would you like some cheese and crackers with your whining.  I like to think I don't complain a lot but sometimes you just have to get things off your chest.

It's not only hard on me but it's hard on Kelli and Morgan.  I just want to be normal again.  I know you are probably saying, well he should just be happy to have this time with them.  I am happy for this time but I want more with them. I want to coach Morgan's soccer team and I want to look at my wife and know that somewhere in the back of her mind she's not waiting for the other shoe to drop. I just want to be normal.  Why is my family going through this, and listen I know everybody is going through something, I just get a chance to blog it.

So we get mad at God, and we ask Why?  Then what,  Do we wait?  Do we stop talking to him and ignoring him? (like most relationships)  Maybe we go back for more.  Somebody told me once that our society likes to microwave but God likes to bake things in his own time.  Guess what, I'm an impatient person.  Who knows maybe its God's way of being funny,

You see the way I figure it, I'm going to dissappoint God from time to to time and he's going to make me angry from time to time. That's how a relationship works, but we don't give up on each other, we stick together and work things out. I know he has everything under control but if he could send me down a little GPS system to know where he's taking me and my family, I would really appreciate it.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It is a little past 11 o'clock and our church, Faith Community Church, is finishing up it's first day of our 40 day fast. I must admit the 40 day fast can be a tough one for me sometimes. Let's be honest, I'm sure it's tough for a lot of us depending on what it is you are going to fast. Notice I titled this blog, "What's Not on the Menu". It doesn't mean you have to fast some sort of food or beverage but for most of us that is what we'll choose. You see Kelli and I are fasting soda, while Morgan is fasting chocolate. Some people will fast one whole meal for a day such as breakfast or lunch or their are some who fast things like the computer or maybe even a hobby they are really in to. Whatever it was you decided to fast, I hope it was a sacrifice for you (not trying to sound judgemental).
I don't have to say this because most of you know it anyway but God paid the the ultimate sacrifice when he sent his only begotten son to die on a cross for us. Do we ever really stop and think about that enough. I complain about giving up some Diet Coke. I mean really? Don't get me wrong when you make it to the end of a fast you should feel some sense of accomplishment. You just did a great thing to honor God. Did we sacrifice though?
You see it seems like we live in a society where we can't go without anything for any extended period of time. For example, as we discussed what we were going to fast, Morgan had some ideas.
She said,
Daddy why don't you give up your cell phone in which I responded, Well that's the only
way people can get a hold of me, especially if there was an emergency. She then asked Kelli,
Why don't you give up the computer (insert picture of me laughing hysterically there) and Kelli
said well I use the computer for different things like paying bills, checking bank statements,
and church work, like editing photos and youth group stuff. Did we sacrifice? Maybe.
Was it enough? I don't know. (However if you ask Morgan, I'm sure she will say yes).

Fasting is personal and should be between you and God. It shouldn't be a prideful thing. It
should be a God thing. Here's another quick thought, we get so excited for the 40 day fast
but what do we do when those 40 days are up? Do we have a closer relationship with God
now or did I just give my kidney's a 40 day break from soda. Here's my last thought and
then I'm signing off. If you are allergic to peanuts, don't fast peanut butter and jelly

Saturday, March 12, 2011

March Madness

Well March Madness is here and for the Robinette family it means, "It's the most wonderful time of the year" (insert holiday music there).   Anyway I've been watching all of these basketball games and a thought came to me last night.  No, I am not going to talk about how much louder we cheer at ballgames for our favorite teams than we do at church when it comes to praising our God.  I thought I would put a new little spin on it.

As I'm watching the games they start telling the ages of these young men and how young they are.  Then the announcers are quick to point out their inexperiences and the mistakes they are making.  Now most of these guys have played basketball all their lives, but never on big stages like this.  There's a lot more people watching and with that comes a lot more responsibility.  You have to have someone in your corner who you can depend on.  Someone to give you advice.  You need someone whose been in these types of situations before.  You need a coach.

Now let's think about somebody who has just been saved or who has rededicated their life to the Lord.  Let's be honest when the Pastor first asks you to raise your hand or please step forward, there's some presuure there.  You are now a new person through Jesus Christ.  You are a young Christian full of inexperiences and you will make mistakes (We all Do).  For some reason, Christians are put on a bigger stage and just like those basketball announcers,  people will be more quickly to point out your flaws and wrong doings than ever before.  You will need someone in your corner, someone to give you advice, someone whose been through it before.  You need a coach.

I think too often that as Christians we see someone get saved and we say Praise the Lord and rightfully so.  I also think that unless we may know these particular people we don't worry about where their coaching is coming from.  (I'm sure that might offend some and you're thinking, well you're the youth pastor isn't that your job).  You might be right, but I'll also throw the first stone at myself.

I guess what I am trying to say is that, all of us who proclaim to be Christians need to think about coaching some of these new inexperienced, gonna make mistakes and doubt themselves new converts before Satan figures out a game plan to win them back.  Look at these 4 scriptures:

Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance (coaching)  Prov. 1:5

The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice (coaching)  Prov. 12:15

Plans fail for lack of counsel (coaching), but with many advisers they succeed.  Prov. 15:22

Listen to advice and accept instruction (coaching), and in the end you will be wise.  Prov.19:20

Gotta go the Basketball games are starting.